Not Cassandra, but an in-law

Not Cassandra, but an in-law

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fullness and Emptiness

Hoarding makes perfect sense.  The two new TV programs on hoarders explain their actions beautifully, without beating the viewers over the head with too-earnest psychology.

Getting too much stuff (or too many animals) and being blind to the dysfunction that all that excess creates, appears to be very much like eating too much while being blind to the results and all that they entail.

Casandra sees it as lonely souls trying to fill emptiness.  She herself tends to overeat when she feels lonely and unfulfilled.  She sympathizes.

Stuff and garbage pile up; animals are diseased and starving; overeaters grow obese and ill.  And still they hunger.

It's tragic.  It's life.

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