Not Cassandra, but an in-law

Not Cassandra, but an in-law

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hey Boys, Where Have You Been?

Cassandra missed most of the worst snow but came home in time for all the rain.  Even after days and days of falling water, some gross gray blocks of snow still remain, where the plows left.  Can't the stuff take a hint?  You are no longer wanted here.

But robins!  Robins are a whole 'nother issue.   According to some migration maps, robins should be here all year around.  Clearly, they don't read the maps, or don't care about them.  They've been gone; now they're back, in cheeky, bossy pairs and trios, staring us down from our own sidewalks.  Cassandra loves them; always has since the days when she was a tiny little girl and one of the few books in the house was a simple bird book, and now loves them again.  Too bad they're too small and crispy to hug.

Despite the rain, just a few minutes ago Cassandra heard a short metallic rattling noise coming from somewhere very nearby.  It took three repeats before she got it:   shit, a woodpecker!  She loves peckers, but not especially when they seem to be pecking her own personal house.  She stepped outside and saw a bird fly away but it didn't fly in that unmistakable pecker swoop, so was clearly an innocent bystander.  Some peckers in this area are huge, although it's been so long that Cassandra doesn't remember what kind they are exactly.  Looking forward to getting reacquainted.

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