Not Cassandra, but an in-law

Not Cassandra, but an in-law

Monday, June 22, 2009

See What I Mean?

This morning CBS's two top headlines are links to a sensationalist crime web site about murders that are several years old and solved long ago, but still titillating, perhaps. I hope that Walter doesn't know.


Natalie Keller Reinert said...

Thank goodness for the New York Times and the BBC World Service.

Tried to explain to a co-worker the other day why I hadn't shouted it from the rooftops when that airplane pilot died en route from Europe. I just didn't see how it was that important. The airplane landed. That's why they have co-pilots. She said, "But it's NEWS!" I said, "No, it really isn't. It doesn't affect you in the least, and it will not change the world that you live in."

Much like the murders, kidnappings, and so forth that are all over the news. How does it affect anyone outside of the immediate participants? It doesn't. It's just morbid curiousity.

Cassandra Was Right said...

I was actually on that same flight a week earlier, and don't get what the big hot deal is. You're exactly right: that's why they have co-pilots, the end. Not news. Not even very interesting.